<<  Do you know what parts does Great Britain consist of Объединенное королевство и северная Ирландия находится на Британских  >>
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles and consists of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES AND NOTHEREN IRELAND.

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Английский язык 5 класс

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«The capital of Great Britain» - Трафальгарская площадь. London is the capital of Great Britain. «Кровавая» Башня. Исторический район. Last Summer. Westminster and Trafalgar. Католический монастырь. Музей. Big Ben. Try to read. Today. London. What do you know about London. Read correctly. Westminster Abbey.

«United States» - Washington. United States - a country in North America. Stoke on the St. United States border with Canada, Mexico, and Russia. Sierra Nevada forests grow giant redwoods. Russian border runs through the Bering Strait. government. religion. About the country. The U.S. government does not keep official statistics on religion. In addition, in the U.S. are still two of the state. Most of the runoff owned U.S. Gulf of Mexico basin of the Atlantic.

«Тест по английскому языку» - Boyfriend. First airplane. Last month. My little sister. My dog. Picnic. Задание. Глагол « hurt ». Where is your purse. Выбери глаголы. What a pity. Глагол « reading ». Глагол « put ». Глаголы, которые стоят В 3 форме. Глагол « said ». Глагол « come ». Maria. The rain. Посмотри на картинку. Результаты тестирования. I did it. Итоговый Тест. The film was boring. Reflexive pronouns. Mark and Greg. Past Simple.

«Places in London» - Crown Jewels. Buckingham Palace. Tower of London. Museums. Statue on border the city of London. Historical places. St.James's Park. Big Ben. London. The East End. The Queen's Residence. Урок. Drawings. Museum. London is very rich in museums and art galleries. London is the British capital. Globe Theatre. Tower Bridge. The West End. River Thames. Henry Ford. Henry Tate. Trafalgar Square. Kensington Gardens.

«Идиоматические выражения» - От горшка два вершка. Математические термины и допустимый перевод: Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary. to be knee-high to the grasshopper. For this purpose it is necessary to know their exact value. pot.

«My favourite animal» - His name is Fred I love my cat. Head, neck, nose, eyes, ears, fang. Сочинение своего четверостишья, используя образец. It can run and jump. Разминка. Самостоятельная работа на карточках. It is big and green. Работа на карточках-6 мин. Повторение ранее изученных слов по теме- 3 мин. Сообщение темы и цели урока и чему должны научиться на данном уроке. Выучить новые слова. I like crocodiles. It hunts small animals.

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