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Английский язык 5 класс

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«Идиоматические выражения» - Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary. to be knee-high to the grasshopper. От горшка два вершка. Математические термины и допустимый перевод: pot. For this purpose it is necessary to know their exact value.

«Places in London» - London. Historical places. Trafalgar Square. Henry Ford. Cleopatra's Needle. The best place in world. The City. London is the British capital. St.James's Park. Statue on border the city of London. Collection. Tower Bridge. Kensington Gardens. Westminster. Queen Victoria Memorial. Museum. Drawings. The West End. The famous places in the London. Big Ben. The Cathedral of Saint Paul. The East End. Henry Tate.

«Задания по английскому языку» - Буквы. Londonderry is in Ireland. Hi, english. Are you American. One. Стихотворение. Социо-культурные знания детей. Стюарт. Компьютер. Правильный ответ. Напишите в 4 колонки слова со звуками. Повар. Проверь себя.

«Sights of London» - Covent Garden Market. London Telephone Booth. Many visitors come to London and go sightseeing about it. Victoria Memorial and Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace Gate. “BEEFEATERS ”. May be our guests tell us something interesting about London? Paul’s Cathedral. the Tower of London. London is the capital of Great Britain. Trafalgar Square. Choose the correct answer. What do you know about London?

«The capital of Great Britain» - Today. Last Summer. Westminster and Trafalgar. Католический монастырь. What do you know about London. Westminster Abbey. Try to read. Read correctly. Трафальгарская площадь. Музей. Исторический район. London is the capital of Great Britain. «Кровавая» Башня. Big Ben. London.

«United States» - The main political parties - the Republican and Democratic. The lakes belong to the basin of the Atlantic. religion. Flora. Topic of presentation: relief. With the suburbs (in Maryland and Virginia) - 5.4 million inhabitants (2010). fauna. Highest judicial authority - the U.S. Supreme Court. The highest executive body - the U.S. president. great lakes. There are many smaller parties. Most of the runoff owned U.S. Gulf of Mexico basin of the Atlantic.

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