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great lakes

great lakes. Great Lakes - a system of freshwater lakes in North America, the U.S. and Canada. Includes a number of large and medium-sized reservoirs, linked by rivers and straits. An area of ??about 245.2 thousand km ?, the water volume 22.7 thousand km ?. By itself the Great Lakes are the five biggest: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. Contact them several medium lakes. The lakes belong to the basin of the Atlantic. Stoke on the St. Lawrence River.

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Английский язык 5 класс

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«Весёлый алфавит» - Hamster. Яхта. Umbrella. Lion. Яблоко с ветки. Xerox. Merry alphabet. Wolf. Королева. Мороженое. Камень. Rabbit. Кукла. Eagle. Разноцветный мячик. Свирепый тигр. Mouse. Zoo. Апельсин. Squirrel. Кенгуру. Vase. Parrot. Kот Василий. Воскресенье. Fox. Girl.

«Places in London» - Достопримечательности Лондона. Tower of London. Crown Jewels. Museums. Historical places. Museum. London is very rich in museums and art galleries. Cleopatra's Needle. London. Trafalgar Square. The Cathedral of Saint Paul. Westminster. Collection. Queen Victoria Memorial. The British Museum. The City of London. Henry Tate. Globe Theatre. Buckingham Palace. The best place in world. Henry Ford. River Thames.

«Тест по английскому языку» - I did it. Задание. Посмотри на картинку. Глагол « said ». My sister and I. Результаты тестирования. Итоговый Тест. Глагол « fed ». At the moment. Jenny. The film was boring. What a pity. Глагол « reading ». Did you repaired the bike. Maria. Mirrow. Глагол « gave ». My grandfather. Betty. Where is your purse. My dog. 4 verb forms. Past Simple. Work. The car. Jeans. My little sister. First airplane.

«Идиоматические выражения» - Математические термины и допустимый перевод: Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary. От горшка два вершка. pot. For this purpose it is necessary to know their exact value. to be knee-high to the grasshopper.

«United States» - The U.S. government does not keep official statistics on religion. Area - 9,518,900 km ? (fourth in the world by area). In addition, in the U.S. are still two of the state. There is a vice-president. This difference, however, is limited to the internal division. Washington. USA. Topic of presentation: Population - more than 309 million people (third place). Russian border runs through the Bering Strait.

«Задания по английскому языку» - Hi, english. Стихотворение. Компьютер. Повар. Проверь себя. One. Стюарт. Буквы. Are you American. Социо-культурные знания детей. Напишите в 4 колонки слова со звуками. Правильный ответ. Londonderry is in Ireland.

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