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Flora. The slopes of the Cordillera are covered with thick pine forests, Appalachia - forests of broad-leaved trees, prairie is almost gone. Prevalent in northern Alaska tundra vegetation. Forests cover about 30% of the land, vegetation, mostly Alaskan tundra with mosses and lichens, but in the south of the State of coniferous and mixed forests. In the north of the "continental" of the U.S. grow thick mixed forest: spruce, pine, oak, ash, birch, sycamore. Further south, forests become smaller, but there are plants such as magnolia and rubber, and the Gulf Coast are growing mangroves. In the west begin semiarid and arid regions with predominantly grass and desert vegetation. In such regions, the most common yucca, various shrubs, and in the Mojave Desert - "cactus forest." To higher ground grow pine and Ponderosa. In California is quite common chapparel, as well as numerous fruit trees (basically citrus). Sierra Nevada forests grow giant redwoods. In the north east coast are coniferous and mixed forests of spruce, cedar, pine, and larch.

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«The capital of Great Britain» - «Кровавая» Башня. Read correctly. Исторический район. Last Summer. Westminster Abbey. Big Ben. Westminster and Trafalgar. London is the capital of Great Britain. Today. Католический монастырь. Трафальгарская площадь. What do you know about London. London. Try to read. Музей.

«United States» - Most of the runoff owned U.S. Gulf of Mexico basin of the Atlantic. The U.S. government does not keep official statistics on religion. In addition, in the U.S. are still two of the state. About the country. Stoke on the St. Hawaiian archipelago is a series of volcanic islands up to 4205 m. Economy: currently the largest in the world ($ 14.2 trillion).. government. This difference, however, is limited to the internal division.

«Идиоматические выражения» - For this purpose it is necessary to know their exact value. Математические термины и допустимый перевод: to be knee-high to the grasshopper. Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary. От горшка два вершка. pot.

«Лондонский глаз» - Рейтинг колес обозрения. The London eye. Высота колеса составляет 73 метра. The London Eye has 32 capsules. The London Eye was opened on New Year’s Eve. Singapore Flyer. It is 135 metres high. Название. Звезда Наньчана. Систематизировать полученные знания. Лондонский глаз. Южная звезда.

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