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population. Indian tribes populated the U.S. territory of about 10 thousand years ago, and their descendants remained the dominant ethnic component to the end of XVII century. Modern people - descendants of relatively recent (XVII-XX centuries) of immigrants from Europe (mainly Western) and Africa. It should be noted that the full right to be called Americans receive only the children of immigrants born in the United States. There remains a clear distinction between foreigners and natives, between which there is a large cultural and linguistic distance. This difference, however, is limited to the internal division. Americans United States - a diverse, heterogeneous nation with conflicting racial composition. Dominant in all respects and regions (except Hawaii) is now Europoid race - came from the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland and other European countries. Further distinguished African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and others, who account for over a third of the population.

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«Факты об английском языке» - Несколько известных и неизвестных фактов. Интересные факты об английском языке. Английский – это здорово. Для чего нам нужно изучение английского языка. Распространение иностранных языков в мире. Очень интересный предмет. Английский язык. Dedication то english. Актуальность работы. Для чего вы учите английский язык. Как учиться. Самые короткие предложения.

«The capital of Great Britain» - Музей. Трафальгарская площадь. Read correctly. Try to read. London. Исторический район. Westminster and Trafalgar. London is the capital of Great Britain. Католический монастырь. Westminster Abbey. Last Summer. Big Ben. «Кровавая» Башня. Today. What do you know about London.

«United States» - With the suburbs (in Maryland and Virginia) - 5.4 million inhabitants (2010). In the south of the U.S. border with Mexico, to the north - Canada. The highest executive body - the U.S. president. By the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean. United States border with Canada, Mexico, and Russia. Highest judicial authority - the U.S. Supreme Court. The main political parties - the Republican and Democratic.

«Лондонский глаз» - Высота колеса составляет 73 метра. The London eye. Рейтинг колес обозрения. The London Eye has 32 capsules. Лондонский глаз. The London Eye was opened on New Year’s Eve. Систематизировать полученные знания. Южная звезда. Название. Звезда Наньчана. It is 135 metres high. Singapore Flyer.

«Задания по английскому языку» - Стюарт. Социо-культурные знания детей. Правильный ответ. Повар. Напишите в 4 колонки слова со звуками. One. Проверь себя. Буквы. Стихотворение. Компьютер. Londonderry is in Ireland. Hi, english. Are you American.

«Places in London» - The Cathedral of Saint Paul. Cleopatra's Needle. Tower of London. London. Урок. Henry Ford. Historical places. The famous places in the London. Henry Tate. River Thames. The City of London. The British Museum. Museum. The best place in world. Buckingham Palace. Museums. London is the British capital. Crown Jewels. The West End. Statue on border the city of London. Big Ben. Tower Bridge. Queen Victoria Memorial.

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