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Washington. On the role of the capital of the new state after the American Revolution, many of the city claimed. Therefore, in 1790 it was decided to build a new city in the Potomac River. The capital was named Washington in honor of the first president, George Washington. First architect who planned and designed the city, was Frenchman Pierre Langfang. Washington DC - the capital of the United States since 1800. Washington as a separate city was abolished as a result of the administrative reform in 1873, so the capital of the United States officially called DC. The U.S. Constitution and the Law on the residence, the District of Columbia has a special status as the capital of the federal state. Square - 0.2 thousand km ?. Population: Within the Federal District 602 thousand inhabitants (2010). With the suburbs (in Maryland and Virginia) - 5.4 million inhabitants (2010).

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«United States» - population. The Pacific Ocean is Hawaii. The highest executive body - the U.S. president. geography. The lakes belong to the basin of the Atlantic. USA. Washington DC - the capital of the United States since 1800. There are many smaller parties. relief. The U.S. government does not keep official statistics on religion. This difference, however, is limited to the internal division. Rivers and lakes.

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