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Английский язык 5 класс

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«Places in London» - The East End. Crown Jewels. Drawings. Kensington Gardens. Museum. Queen Victoria Memorial. Henry Ford. Museums. Collection. Globe Theatre. The Cathedral of Saint Paul. The British Museum. Buckingham Palace. The City of London. Cleopatra's Needle. Tower Bridge. London. The best place in world. Урок. Достопримечательности Лондона. Big Ben. London is the British capital. River Thames. The City. Westminster.

«Sights of London» - Are you ready to start our journey??? Вы готовы начать наше путешествие??? London Eye Capsules. Лондон – столица Великобритании. London Double deckers. Change of the guards. Buckingham Palace Gate. Byward Tower, Tower of London. London is the capital of Great Britain. Thank you very much for your attention and work!!! the Tower of London. Paul’s Cathedral. “Fascinating travel to London”. The London Eye near the Thames.

«United States» - government. Economy: currently the largest in the world ($ 14.2 trillion).. climate. Washington DC - the capital of the United States since 1800. The lakes belong to the basin of the Atlantic. great lakes. Topic of presentation: Flora. This difference, however, is limited to the internal division. Prevalent in northern Alaska tundra vegetation. Most of Alaska occupy the northern Cordillera. There are many smaller parties.

«Идиоматические выражения» - For this purpose it is necessary to know their exact value. Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary. Математические термины и допустимый перевод: to be knee-high to the grasshopper. pot. От горшка два вершка.

«Tom Sawyer» - Tom Sawyer Aunt Polly Becky Thacher. «Слава, добытая обманным путем, скоро становится тяжелым бременем». Докажите, что Том – веселый, жизнерадостный мальчишка, который не выносит скуки. Guess and answer the questions. Read the text by M. Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. М. Твен. You know a man by his friends. «Что же ещё нас привлекает в Томе?». Докажите, что Том – большой фантазёр и изобретатель.

«Тест по английскому языку» - How much time. The rain. Where is your purse. Глагол « come ». Глагол « said ». Jeans. My grandfather. Результаты тестирования. Work. Picnic. I did it. Maria. Past Simple. Last year. Глагол « gave ». The car. Last night. Глагол « reading ». My dog. Глаголы, которые стоят В 3 форме. Help. Boyfriend. Mark and Greg. 4 verb forms. Jenny. Postcard. My little sister. Reflexive pronouns. Задание. Глагол « hurt ».

Всего в теме «Английский язык 5 класс» 12 презентаций
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