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Домашнее задание
12. Домашнее задание. Make a family tree. Thank you for your work. Good-buy.

Слайд 38 из презентации «Семья по-английски». Размер архива с презентацией 2206 КБ.

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Английский язык 6 класс

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«Неправильные глаголы» - Awake. Клад искал один чудак. Ананасы. Awoke. Dig. Стол. Правила образования неправильных глаголов. Сосед. Новый бутерброд. Перед тем, как открывать. Клад. Чудак. Eat. Богато заживет. Металлический ларец. Деньги. Я в буфете. Топор. Неправильные глаголы.

«Дом на английском языке» - Task. Look at the pictures. Формирование диалогической речи. Предлоги места. Look and read. Оборот. Повторить предлоги места. We begin our lesson. Good morning, dear friends. Английский язык.

«Animals in our life» - How many people In Russia do keep pets at home. A dog. Animals in our life. Interesting lesson. Very important role. Wild. Animals In danger. A zebra. A hedgehog is one of the endangered animals. A tiger. Endangered. A statistic of endangered animals. A sheep. Domestic. Our domestic animals. Английский язык. A crocodile. Elephants and tigers. There are three kinds of animals in the world. Подготовительный этап.

«British food» - Arrange on top of the onion in a single layer. Cut the slices in half for wings. Transfer to a 1.1 litre (2 pint) pie dish. Mix together the pears, walnuts and watercress. Gently fold in the remaining flour with a metal spoon. Crimp the edges, make a small hole in the top. To make butterflies, cut a slice off the top of each cake. Cool on a wire cooling rack. Transfer equal amounts to 18 paper cases standing in 18 ungreased bun tins.

«Семья по-английски» - Check your answers. Listen to the song and relax. Phonetic drill. Join the parts of the words. All kinds of creatures can make up a family. My family. The children that lived in a shoe is a family. You need to continue my poems with the names of members of the family. Give the opposites. Физкультминутка. One and another makes two is a family. All kinds numbers can make up a family. Relations in the family are very important.

«USA» - Wheat is the primary cereal grain. USA-United States of America. College football and basketball attract large audiences. English (American English) is the de facto national language. Education. Sports. Religion. Food. Culture. Flag of USA. Mainstream American cuisine is similar to that in other Western countries. Language. Energy. Eight Olympic Games have taken place in the United States. Fast food consumption has sparked health concerns.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 6 класс» 8 презентаций
5klass.net > Английский язык 6 класс > Семья по-английски > Слайд 38