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Английский язык 6 класс

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«Russian games» - They like Football very much. In Russia football appeared at the end 19th century. Basketball appeared in the Russia in 1901. England is the home of football. Basketball is popular in Russia. Many children are playing football. It is played ball basketball. Football is very popular in Russia. Sports and games popular in Russia. Country of basketball is the USA.

«Неправильные глаголы» - Dig. Деньги. Eat. Ананасы. Клад. Перед тем, как открывать. Я в буфете. Стол. Металлический ларец. Неправильные глаголы. Сосед. Awoke. Чудак. Топор. Клад искал один чудак. Новый бутерброд. Правила образования неправильных глаголов. Awake. Богато заживет.

«Дом на английском языке» - We begin our lesson. Look and read. Предлоги места. Формирование диалогической речи. Оборот. Английский язык. Повторить предлоги места. Task. Good morning, dear friends. Look at the pictures.

«British food» - Children always love these little cakes. Cool on a wire cooling rack. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until a light golden brown. Cover with foil. Доклад по английскому языку. Transfer equal amounts to 18 paper cases standing in 18 ungreased bun tins. Crimp the edges, make a small hole in the top. Cut the slices in half for wings. Bake for 30 minutes, until the chicken is tender. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

«Семья по-английски» - Relations in the family are very important. You need to continue my poems with the names of members of the family. What is a family. Find as many words as you can in this puzzle. All kinds of creatures can make up a family. The children that lived in a shoe is a family. Who is a family. All kinds numbers can make up a family. Карта ассоциаций. Join the parts of the words. One and another makes two is a family.

«Мультимедиа на уроках английского языка» - What is it. Навыки разговора. Queen of Britain. Публичные выступления. Углубленный курс английского языка. Профессор Хиггинс. Перечень мультимедийных дисков. Big Ben. Достопримечательности Лондона. Установка программы. Фонетическая зарядка. Начало работы. Английский без акцента. Повышение квалификации. Map of London.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 6 класс» 8 презентаций
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