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Английский язык 6 класс

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«Russian games» - Basketball appeared in the Russia in 1901. It is played ball basketball. England is the home of football. Sports and games popular in Russia. Basketball is popular in Russia. Many children are playing football. They like Football very much. Football is very popular in Russia. In Russia football appeared at the end 19th century. Country of basketball is the USA.

«Дом на английском языке» - Формирование диалогической речи. Look at the pictures. Предлоги места. Look and read. Good morning, dear friends. Повторить предлоги места. Оборот. Английский язык. Task. We begin our lesson.

«USA» - Tennis and many outdoor sports are popular as well. USA. Flag of USA. Culture. College football and basketball attract large audiences. Eight Olympic Games have taken place in the United States. Sports. Energy. English (American English) is the de facto national language. Wheat is the primary cereal grain. Language. Fast food consumption has sparked health concerns. Education. USA-United States of America.

«British food» - Cut the slices in half for wings. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until a light golden brown. Bake for 30 minutes, until the chicken is tender. Children always love these little cakes. Dust lightly with sifted icing sugar. Cover with foil. Leave the pastry to relax while filling is cooling. Доклад по английскому языку. Butterfly Cakes. Cool on a wire cooling rack. Transfer to a 1.1 litre (2 pint) pie dish.

«Семья по-английски» - Baby and father and mother. Phonetic drill. Карта ассоциаций. My family. Who is a family. Check your answers. Check your answers. Find as many words as you can in this puzzle. All kinds of creatures can make up a family. Give the opposites. Listen to the song and relax. Helping mother. All kinds numbers can make up a family. Relations in the family are very important. You need to continue my poems with the names of members of the family.

«Animals in our life» - Elephants and tigers. A hedgehog is one of the endangered animals. Interesting lesson. Our domestic animals. There are three kinds of animals in the world. A tiger. Animals In danger. A crocodile. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи. Endangered Animals. How many people In Russia do keep pets at home. Endangered. Very important role. Animals that are popular among tourists at the zoo. Wild.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 6 класс» 8 презентаций
5klass.net > Английский язык 6 класс > USA > Слайд 15