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Спортивные термины

4)Спортивные термины -Аут (англ.Out - вне) - спортивный термин, обозначающий выход мяча из игры. -Пенальти (англ. penalty kick, штрафной удар) - в футболе - Офсайд (англ. Offside или положение вне игры) - правило в футболе, регби и хоккее с шайбой, определяющее позицию.

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Английский язык 7 класс

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«My school» - Because I am responsible for my life and for all of my actions. I like my school. Учебно-методическое обеспечение. Level 4. Key 1 - part 2 - kids 3 - things 4 - word 5 - Earth. We are doing just what we are able… Could you be a teacher yourself? Let’s have a rest. Can you answer some questions about your school? Интернет-сайты. Let’s discuss. Level 3. English in Use. Level 2. Rest and learn. The main question to answer.

«Teenagers problems» - Как разрешить проблемы молодежи. Teenagers’ problems. If you follow our rules you won’t have problems. Look through the list of teenage problems. Smoking. How to tackle teenagers’ problems. School problems. Pocket money. Conflicts with sisters or brothers. Conflicts with parents. Conflict with friends.

«Christmas in the USA» - Jingle, Bells. Merry Christmas. Symbols of Christmas. Рождество. Activities. Рождество в Америке. New Year. Around the Christmas Tree. Ошибка Санта Клауса. Чаепитие. Конкурс стихов. Беседа в классе. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Traditions. Boxing Day. Письмо Санта Клауса. Mistletoe. Рождественский чулок. Проведение праздника.

«Kinds of sports» - Basketball. Dialogue speech. Hockey. Put the letters in the right order. Swimming. Спорт в Великобритании. Skiing. Polo. Football (soccer). Rugby. Table tennis, also known as ping-pong. Bowling. Physical exercises. It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. Figure skating. Volleyball. Please, read. Practice in oral speech. Sailing. Table tennis. English proverbs about sports and health.

«Canada» - The shape control is a constitutional monarchy. Flag of Canada. Cultural centers. Policy. Political Map of Canada. The real power in the political and economic life of the country belongs to the Parliament The English tradition is formed and the Government of Canada. Capital of Canada - Ottawa. Canada is unique for its rich unique nature. The head of state is the British Queen. He is also head of the Anglican Church and the supreme commander of the armed forces of the United Kingdom.

«English» - Do YOUR Best to Learn English NOW!!! * Сan michael speak english well? Listening. What is the official language in all these countries? Reasons. I can’t but agree with you! interesting. international. main. English in the world. What English-speaking countries do you know? Do you like English? English. difficult. I don’t think so. ? I study English because… powerful. V.I. Lenin. popular. official.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 7 класс» 14 презентаций
5klass.net > Английский язык 7 класс > Английские слова в русском языке > Слайд 8