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Английский язык 7 класс

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«Teenagers problems» - School problems. Smoking. Pocket money. If you follow our rules you won’t have problems. Look through the list of teenage problems. Conflicts with parents. How to tackle teenagers’ problems. Как разрешить проблемы молодежи. Teenagers’ problems. Conflict with friends. Conflicts with sisters or brothers.

«English» - English in the world. V.I. Lenin. Do you like English? Why study English? No, you are wrong. I don’t think so. Reading. popular. difficult. main. ? I study English because… I think so too! English. * Why does Hans learn English? What English-speaking countries do you know? Listening. modern. What is the official language in all these countries? * Сan michael speak english well? I can’t but agree with you!

«Interesting places in the USA» - The White House. The sights of America. Niagara falls. Nature sights. The Twin Towers in New York. National Air and Space Museum. Навыки самостоятельной работы. The statue of Liberty. The Guggenheim museum. Sequoia National Park. California. Достопримечательности Америки. Проблемный вопрос. The history of flight. Devil’s Tower. Место проведения проекта. Результаты представления исследования. Melting pot.

«School education in England» - Harrow. It is one of the oldest independent schools in Britain. Winchester. Schools in England. Rugby. Eton.

«Christmas in the USA» - Traditions. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Рождественский чулок. Рождество в Америке. Чаепитие. Конкурс стихов. Jingle, Bells. Проведение праздника. Activities. Symbols of Christmas. Рождество. Беседа в классе. Merry Christmas. Ошибка Санта Клауса. Around the Christmas Tree. Mistletoe. Письмо Санта Клауса. New Year. Boxing Day.

«Canada» - Attractions Canada. Policy. In Canada there are many nature reserves and national parks. Flag of Canada. Reigning monarch of Britain Elizabeth II. Canada. Technologically advanced and industrialized countries Canada - an independent federal state, which is part of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The shape control is a constitutional monarchy. He is also head of the Anglican Church and the supreme commander of the armed forces of the United Kingdom.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 7 класс» 14 презентаций
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