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Английский язык 7 класс

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«Canada» - Reigning monarch of Britain Elizabeth II. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party that receives the most votes in parliamentary elections. In Canada there are many nature reserves and national parks. Policy. The head of state is the British Queen. He is also head of the Anglican Church and the supreme commander of the armed forces of the United Kingdom. Political Map of Canada. Canada. Canada is unique for its rich unique nature.

«Английские слова в русском языке» - Экономические термины. Музыкальная индустрия. Классификация заимствованной лексики. Из жизни тинейджеров. Проникновение английских слов в русский язык. Появление новых слов. Реклама. Спортивные термины. Голкипер. Компьютерные термины. Причины проникновения англицизмов в русский язык. Еда. Футбол. Английские заимствования в русском языке. Причины проникновения англицизмов. Использование иноязычной лексики в речи тинейджеров.

«School education in England» - It is one of the oldest independent schools in Britain. Eton. Schools in England. Harrow. Rugby. Winchester.

«Teenagers problems» - Smoking. School problems. Conflict with friends. How to tackle teenagers’ problems. If you follow our rules you won’t have problems. Conflicts with sisters or brothers. Как разрешить проблемы молодежи. Teenagers’ problems. Pocket money. Conflicts with parents. Look through the list of teenage problems.

«Kinds of sports» - Football (soccer). Sailing. Basketball. Golf. Table tennis. Physical exercises. Skiing. Спорт в Великобритании. Practice in oral speech. Swimming. Tennis. Volleyball. Figure skating. It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. Boxing. Billiards. Dialogue speech. Hockey. Darts. Horse racing. Track and field. Bowling. Riddles. Cycling. Chess. Motor racing. Put the letters in the right order.

«Interesting places in the USA» - Достопримечательности Америки. The USA. The history of flight. Результаты представления исследования. The Empire State Building. Melting pot. Навыки самостоятельной работы. National Air and Space Museum. Место проведения проекта. The Twin Towers in New York. The Guggenheim museum. Nature sights. Devil’s Tower. Проблемный вопрос. The statue of Liberty. The White House. California. Sequoia National Park.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 7 класс» 14 презентаций
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