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Conflicts with sisters or brothers

Conflicts with sisters or brothers. Support each other. Keep promise. Never tell lies. Forgive each other. Cheer up each other. Avoid conflicts.

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Английский язык 7 класс

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«Interesting places in the USA» - The White House. Nature sights. The Empire State Building. Проблемный вопрос. Результаты представления исследования. The history of flight. The Twin Towers in New York. Niagara falls. Sequoia National Park. The statue of Liberty. National Air and Space Museum. California. Melting pot. The Guggenheim museum. Место проведения проекта. Devil’s Tower. The sights of America. Достопримечательности Америки.

«Kinds of sports» - Спорт в Великобритании. Sailing. Auding. Billiards. Bowling. Practice in oral speech. Track and field. Boxing. The rocat is suitable for all kinds of recreational rowing. Football (soccer). Grand Prix motor racing. Motor racing. Chess. English proverbs about sports and health. Table tennis. Polo. Darts. Basketball. Please, read. Swimming. Rugby. Dialogue speech. Cycling. Volleyball. Football. It is a game played between two teams of eleven players.

«English» - difficult. I can’t but agree with you! I can’t agree with you. English. English in the world. Listening. What English-speaking countries do you know? I think so too! Why study English? * Сan michael speak english well? popular. modern. Yes, you are right! What is the official language in all these countries? ? I study English because… official. main. I don’t think so. V.I. Lenin. Do YOUR Best to Learn English NOW!!!

«Английские фразеологизмы с частями тела» - Фразеологические единицы с компонентом «части тела» человека. Цель работы. Фразеологические единицы со словом «нос» (nose). Слово «neck» (шея). Структурно-семантические свойства фразеологизмов. Фразеологические сращения. Слово «heart» (сердце). Фразеологические единицы со словом «палец» (finger). Английский язык. «Ears» (уши). «Tongue» (язык). Фразеологизм – устойчивое словосочетание. Фразеологические единицы со словом «нога» (feet).

«Teenagers problems» - Conflicts with parents. Pocket money. Look through the list of teenage problems. Как разрешить проблемы молодежи. Conflicts with sisters or brothers. If you follow our rules you won’t have problems. Teenagers’ problems. Smoking. How to tackle teenagers’ problems. School problems. Conflict with friends.

«School education in England» - Winchester. It is one of the oldest independent schools in Britain. Harrow. Schools in England. Eton. Rugby.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 7 класс» 14 презентаций
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