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Family and friends
Family and friends.

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Английский язык 9 класс

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«Jimmy Carter» - Soldier, Peanut Farmer, Professor, Politician, Statesman 39th president. Jimmy Carter. Career. Contens. Sources used. 1977 - Panama Canal Treaty. Major Events during his presidency. Presidential facts. Biography. Education. Aim. His Parents. To find out what contribution Jimmy Carter made ??to the development of America. Born on October 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia. Family. Conclusion.

«Family and friends» - Fashion music. Drinks. Look at the photos and find more appropriate word. Семья и друзья. Do your parents understand you. Dieting. Речевая разминка. Smoking. Computer games. Family and friends. Рекомендации к применению данной презентации. Краткий конспект урока. Friends. Write the correction alongside. School problems. New words. Some misunderstandings between parents and children. Films. Look at the photos.

«Pioneers» - There were 19.5 million young pioneers in 1984. The biggest pioneer camps are: «Artek» - the all-union camp «Orlenok», «Young guard», «Zubrenok». Pioneer camps. Pioneers. Pioneer – a member of all-union pioneer organization in USSR and some youth democratic organizations in other countries. Pioneers newspapers. Pioneer camp – sanitary educational establishment for pioneers and schoolchildren at the age of 7-15 in USSR, organized during summer or winter holidays by Komsomol or other organizations.

«Music and musicians» - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Song “Yesterday”. Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky. John Lennon. Great Britain. Classical music. Music and musicians. Ludwig van Beethoven. Music is magic. Good singers. Different countries. Autemn weather. Развитие речевых умений. Paul McCartney. Johann Sebastian Bach. Question to the text. The Beatles. Оборудование к уроку. People. Wilhelm Richard Wagner.

«Hippy» - Ideology.Values. Mottos, slogans. Also it consists in rejection from modern cities, technological progress. The idea of equality and freedom lies in hippies ideology. They prefer living in forests as our ancestors did. And if you make evil as an answer to violence you increase it twice. Epigraph. The origin.

«ГИА по английскому языку 2013» - Подготовка школьников к ГИА. ГИА в 9 классе по английскому языку в 2013 году. Ученики готовятся к сдаче ГИА на основе учебной рабочей программы. Норма оценок. Грамматика и лексика. Ученики могут пользоваться разнообразными интернет-ресурсами. На Городском уровне школьники проходят Дистанционную Подготовку к ГИА. Устная речь. Письмо. Чтение. Структура экзамена. Примерный график проведения ГИА по английскому языку.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 9 класс» 11 презентаций
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