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Глагол do употребляется для усиления просьбы: Do come to see us to-night. Для выражения побуждения к действию, обращенного к первому и третьему лицу, употребляется глагол let и инфинитив без частицы to : Let us (Let’s) go there. Let him do it. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи do not (don’t) Don’t let him do it. И без глагола do. Let’s not do it.

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Английский язык 9 класс

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«Family and friends» - Краткий конспект урока. Look at the photos and find more appropriate word. Семья и друзья. Рекомендации к применению данной презентации. School problems. Films. Речевая разминка. Some misunderstandings between parents and children. Friends. Computer games. Fashion music. Write the correction alongside. Look at the photos. Drinks. Dieting. New words. Do your parents understand you. Family and friends.

«The first flight» - Epilogue. Belka and Strelka made a flight 19 august 1960. The first flight. In addition to it the dogs must be patient. The World’s Celebrities. Americans began to launch rockets with animals in 1948. Then they lived happily in the aviary. Animals got accustomed to wear special uniform. “Technical characteristics”. Dogs were alive and very happy. Preparations. Epigraph. Firstly, scientific employees tamed dogs.

«Pioneers» - Pioneers. «Pioneers Truth» («Pionerskaya Pravda») - the soviet children newspaper since 1925. «Pioneers Zorka» - all-union daily radio newspaper for pioneers and schoolchildren since 1925. There were 19.5 million young pioneers in 1984. Pioneer – a member of all-union pioneer organization in USSR and some youth democratic organizations in other countries. Pioneers newspapers. Pioneer camps. The biggest pioneer camps are: «Artek» - the all-union camp «Orlenok», «Young guard», «Zubrenok».

«Перевод рекламных текстов» - Актуальность проблемы. Проблемы, связанные с переводом рекламных текстов. Переводчик. Особенности перевода. Значение слова «реклама». Соединения. Сравнения. Реклама. Языковые манипулирования. A public notice offering or asking for goods. Наречия. Особенности использования. Advertising. Функции рекламных текстов. Местоимения. Средства художественной выразительности. Особенности использования рекламных текстов.

«Местоимения английского языка» - He took care of himself. Инфинитив. Who is afraid of English grammar. Open the breaks. Строгий порядок слов. Find the mistakes. Глагол. Simple tenses. Friends in the garden. Pronouns. Exercise. Повторение. Местоимение. Обстоятельство времени. Tom, don’t jump here. Возвратные местоимения. Абсолютная форма. Употребляются в утвердительных предложениях. International words. Passive voice. Личные местоимения.

«Hippy» - And if you make evil as an answer to violence you increase it twice. Mottos, slogans. Also it consists in rejection from modern cities, technological progress. The origin. They prefer living in forests as our ancestors did. The idea of equality and freedom lies in hippies ideology. Epigraph. Ideology.Values.

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