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Find the mistakes

Find the mistakes. 1.John has gone skiing yesterday. 2.We went there tomorrow. 3.We wears uniforms at school. 4.Do she play the piano? 5.Jane is sit on the grass. 6.He usually watch TV in the evening. 7.Today is Monday. 8.You like pizza? 9. They play in the garden now. 10.She didn’t finish her work yet.

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Английский язык 9 класс

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«Jimmy Carter» - Career. Major Events during his presidency. Conclusion. Family. To find out what contribution Jimmy Carter made ??to the development of America. Soldier, Peanut Farmer, Professor, Politician, Statesman 39th president. Sources used. Born on October 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia. Biography. Presidential facts. Education. 1977 - Panama Canal Treaty. Contens. Aim. His Parents. Jimmy Carter.

«ГИА в 9 классе по английскому языку» - Время выполнения – 30 минут. Просвещение – Бим. Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) состоит из 15 заданий. Молодежная мода Покупки. Объем текстов для чтения — 250–500 слов. Задание В3 проверяет умение читать текст с пониманием общего содержания прочитанного. Примерная тематика заданий раздела 5. Государственная итоговая аттестация Английский язык Сборник заданий. Изменения в ГИА 2012 год. Раздел 4:(Письмо).

«Music and musicians» - Music and musicians. Question to the text. Wilhelm Richard Wagner. John Lennon. People. Great Britain. The Beatles. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Ludwig van Beethoven. Paul McCartney. Music is magic. Good singers. Johann Sebastian Bach. Different countries. Оборудование к уроку. Autemn weather. Classical music. Song “Yesterday”. Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky. Развитие речевых умений.

«Family and friends» - Семья и друзья. School problems. Drinks. Family and friends. Smoking. Write the correction alongside. Краткий конспект урока. Рекомендации к применению данной презентации. Dieting. Fashion music. Look at the photos and find more appropriate word. Friends. Computer games. New words. Речевая разминка. Do your parents understand you. Some misunderstandings between parents and children. Look at the photos.

«Pioneers» - Pioneer – a member of all-union pioneer organization in USSR and some youth democratic organizations in other countries. Pioneers newspapers. The biggest pioneer camps are: «Artek» - the all-union camp «Orlenok», «Young guard», «Zubrenok». Pioneers. Pioneer camps. «Pioneers Truth» («Pionerskaya Pravda») - the soviet children newspaper since 1925. «Pioneers Zorka» - all-union daily radio newspaper for pioneers and schoolchildren since 1925.

«Местоимения английского языка» - Обстоятельство времени. Find the mistakes. Tom, don’t jump here. Past simple. Личные местоимения. Относительные местоимения. Articles. Perfect continuous. Местоимение. Строгий порядок слов. He took care of himself. Translate into english. Exercise. International words. Open the breaks. Pronouns. The imperative mood. Active or passive voices. Форма притяжательных местоимений. Passive voice. Существительное.

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