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Active or passive voices

Active or Passive Voices. Put the verb to be in the correct form: 1. The room (be) cleaned every day. 2. The fax (be) already sent. 3. The anecdote (be) told when he came. 4. Five exercises (be) included in tomorrow’s test. 5. The contract (be) printed before he arrived. 6. They (be) allowed to watch the film tomorrow. 7. Look! A house (be) decorated.

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Английский язык 9 класс

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«Jimmy Carter» - Career. Presidential facts. Education. 1977 - Panama Canal Treaty. Family. Sources used. Aim. Contens. Born on October 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia. Major Events during his presidency. To find out what contribution Jimmy Carter made ??to the development of America. Biography. Jimmy Carter. Soldier, Peanut Farmer, Professor, Politician, Statesman 39th president. His Parents. Conclusion.

«Местоимения английского языка» - Pronouns. Определения. Some juice. Русские словосочетания. Translate into english. Употребляются после подлежащего. Simple tenses. Word order in english sentences. Some flowers. Past Tenses. International words. Friends in the garden. Повторение. Articles. Exercise. Who is afraid of English grammar. Topic english tenses. Возвратные местоимения. Grandfather. Passive voice. Местоимение. Обстоятельство времени.

«Music and musicians» - Autemn weather. Classical music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Paul McCartney. Music is magic. People. Different countries. John Lennon. Оборудование к уроку. Johann Sebastian Bach. Question to the text. Song “Yesterday”. Music and musicians. Wilhelm Richard Wagner. Развитие речевых умений. The Beatles. Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky. Great Britain. Good singers. Ludwig van Beethoven.

«The first flight» - The beginning of the exploration. “Technical characteristics”. The first flight. Americans began to launch rockets with animals in 1948. All other things are very easy to do. Epilogue. Preparations. Epigraph. Belka and Strelka made a flight 19 august 1960. Firstly, scientific employees tamed dogs. Animals got accustomed to wear special uniform. The World’s Celebrities. In addition to it the dogs must be patient.

«Англия и Америка» - Сравнение британского и американского вариантов английского языка. С 50-х годов XX века отмечается проникновение американизмов в английскую речь британцев, австралийцев, новозеландцев, и канадцев, а с 70-х годов — в речь иноязычных народов. Сегодня английский является мировым языком. Глобализация торговли, экономики, новых технологий способствовали и глобализации американского английского языка. Первые носители английского языка появились в Северной Америке в XVII веке.

«Pioneers» - Pioneers newspapers. The biggest pioneer camps are: «Artek» - the all-union camp «Orlenok», «Young guard», «Zubrenok». «Pioneers Truth» («Pionerskaya Pravda») - the soviet children newspaper since 1925. «Pioneers Zorka» - all-union daily radio newspaper for pioneers and schoolchildren since 1925. Pioneer camp – sanitary educational establishment for pioneers and schoolchildren at the age of 7-15 in USSR, organized during summer or winter holidays by Komsomol or other organizations.

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