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Music is magic

Comrades, some lessons we speak about music. Music is magic! It plays a great role in our life. Music helps people in different situations: in sadness, in gladness… So, genres of music depict our tempo. On the blackboard there are two columns, match them: Mood Music romantic rock’n roll tender tango sad waltz active blues aggressive hard rock.

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Английский язык 9 класс

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«ГИА в 9 классе по английскому языку» - Примерная тематика заданий раздела 5. Норма оценок. Экспресс-подготовка Английский 9-11 класс - CD-ROM - Новый диск. Раздел 3:(Грамматика и лексика). Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) состоит из 15 заданий. What`s your favourite sport? Говорение. Задание С1 проверяет умение писать личное письмо. Переписка Школьная жизнь. Рекомендуемая литература. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела – 30 минут.

«Family and friends» - Write the correction alongside. Краткий конспект урока. Рекомендации к применению данной презентации. Look at the photos and find more appropriate word. Do your parents understand you. Fashion music. School problems. Look at the photos. Smoking. Речевая разминка. Dieting. Семья и друзья. New words. Friends. Some misunderstandings between parents and children. Family and friends. Drinks. Films. Computer games.

«Music and musicians» - Music and musicians. Song “Yesterday”. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Music is magic. John Lennon. Great Britain. Good singers. People. Оборудование к уроку. Question to the text. Wilhelm Richard Wagner. The Beatles. Johann Sebastian Bach. Classical music. Different countries. Ludwig van Beethoven. Autemn weather. Paul McCartney. Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky. Развитие речевых умений.

«The first flight» - “Technical characteristics”. Also people taught them to eat from automatic feeding trough. Epilogue. Belka and Strelka made a flight 19 august 1960. Dogs were alive and very happy. Then they lived happily in the aviary. The World’s Celebrities. The beginning of the exploration. Preparations. Animals got accustomed to wear special uniform. Epigraph. In addition to it the dogs must be patient. Firstly, scientific employees tamed dogs.

«Местоимения английского языка» - Perfect continuous. Форма притяжательных местоимений. English-Russian crossroads. Существительное. Who is afraid of English grammar. Topic english tenses. Обстоятельство времени. Past simple. Grandfather. Глагол. Open the brakes. Translate into english. Open the breaks. Употребляются после подлежащего. International words. Pronouns. Обратите внимание на разницу между словами. Articles. Относительные местоимения.

«Pioneers» - There were 19.5 million young pioneers in 1984. Pioneer camps. Pioneers newspapers. Pioneer – a member of all-union pioneer organization in USSR and some youth democratic organizations in other countries. Pioneers. «Pioneers Truth» («Pionerskaya Pravda») - the soviet children newspaper since 1925. «Pioneers Zorka» - all-union daily radio newspaper for pioneers and schoolchildren since 1925. Pioneer camp – sanitary educational establishment for pioneers and schoolchildren at the age of 7-15 in USSR, organized during summer or winter holidays by Komsomol or other organizations.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 9 класс» 11 презентаций
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