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Особенности использования рекламных текстов

Средства художественной выразительности: глагольные сочетания. Особенности использования рекламных текстов.

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Английский язык 9 класс

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«Местоимения английского языка» - Употребляются после подлежащего. The imperative mood. Обстоятельство времени. Open the breaks. Topic english tenses. International words. Tom, don’t jump here. Some juice. Местоимение. Open the brakes. Личные местоимения. Строгий порядок слов. Определения. Past simple. Глагол. Word order in english sentences. Past Tenses. English-Russian crossroads. Passive voice. Употребляются в утвердительных предложениях.

«Family and friends» - Fashion music. Write the correction alongside. Smoking. Family and friends. Look at the photos and find more appropriate word. Some misunderstandings between parents and children. Dieting. Речевая разминка. Look at the photos. Семья и друзья. Computer games. Films. Do your parents understand you. Рекомендации к применению данной презентации. Friends. School problems. New words. Drinks. Краткий конспект урока.

«The first flight» - The World’s Celebrities. The beginning of the exploration. Firstly, scientific employees tamed dogs. The first flight. Epilogue. “Technical characteristics”. In addition to it the dogs must be patient. Epigraph. All other things are very easy to do. Also people taught them to eat from automatic feeding trough. Preparations. American’s achievements. Belka and Strelka made a flight 19 august 1960. Dogs were alive and very happy.

«Jimmy Carter» - Conclusion. Aim. Major Events during his presidency. Presidential facts. Born on October 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia. To find out what contribution Jimmy Carter made ??to the development of America. Sources used. Career. Jimmy Carter. Education. Family. Biography. 1977 - Panama Canal Treaty. Soldier, Peanut Farmer, Professor, Politician, Statesman 39th president. His Parents. Contens.

«Перевод рекламных текстов» - Особенности использования. Атрибутивные словосочетания. Проблемы, связанные с переводом рекламных текстов. Прилагательные и наречия. Функции рекламных текстов. Языковые манипулирования. Соединения. A public notice offering or asking for goods. Средства художественной выразительности. Значение слова «реклама». Advertising. Прилагательные. Местоимения. Особенности перевода рекламных текстов. Наречия.

«Music and musicians» - Question to the text. The Beatles. Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky. Johann Sebastian Bach. Оборудование к уроку. Classical music. People. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Song “Yesterday”. Wilhelm Richard Wagner. John Lennon. Ludwig van Beethoven. Music is magic. Paul McCartney. Different countries. Good singers. Music and musicians. Great Britain. Развитие речевых умений. Autemn weather.

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