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climate. Since the country is located in a large area, it represented almost all climatic zones. Most of the U.S. is located in the temperate zone, south of the subtropical climate prevails, Hawaii and southern Florida are in the tropics and the north of Alaska belongs to the polar regions. The Great Plains west of the 100th meridian referred to as semi-desert, the Great Basin, and the area around it are arid and coastal areas of California - Mediterranean climate. Climate type within a zone can vary considerably depending on the terrain, proximity to the ocean, and other factors. The main component of the U.S. Climate jet stream is a high-rise - powerful airflow, bringing moisture from the North Pacific. Moisture-laden winds from the Pacific Ocean actively irrigate U.S. west coast. Frequent tornadoes are a known feature of the climate of North America, the United States ahead of any other country in the number of tornadoes. Hurricanes are common in the United States. East coast of the island of Hawaii and especially southern U.S. states bordering the Gulf of Mexico, the most affected by this disaster.

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Английский язык 5 класс

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«United States» - Area - 9,518,900 km ? (fourth in the world by area). President - Head of State, Chief of the armed forces. Smaller undrained salt lakes located in depressions of the Great Basin. By the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean. The highest executive body - the U.S. president. minerals. Most of Alaska occupy the northern Cordillera. Prevalent in northern Alaska tundra vegetation. Russian border runs through the Bering Strait.

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«The capital of Great Britain» - What do you know about London. Westminster Abbey. «Кровавая» Башня. Католический монастырь. London is the capital of Great Britain. Last Summer. Исторический район. Read correctly. Трафальгарская площадь. Today. Try to read. Музей. Big Ben. Westminster and Trafalgar. London.

«My favourite animal» - What is it? Crocodiles hunt small animals. Оборудование. It can run and jump. It is big and green. My favourite animal is a crocodile. It lives in Russia and in the forest. It is a wild animal. Организационный момент. Сочинение своего четверостишья, используя образец. Использовать слова dog, Rex. Повторение ранее изученных слов по теме. It hunts small animals. Работа на карточках-6 мин. His name is Fred I love my cat.

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