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Eton. Eton College, usually referred to as Eton, is a British independent boarding school located in Eton, near Windsor in England. It educates over 1,300 pupils, aged between 13 to 18 years and was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI. Eton has a long list of distinguished former pupils. David Cameron is the nineteenth British Prime Minister to have attended Eton, and has recommended that Eton set up a school in the state sector to help drive up standards. The College has also educated generations of British and foreign aristocracy and members of the Royal family, the most recent being Prince William and his brother Prince Harry.

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Английский язык 7 класс

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«School education in England» - Eton. Harrow. Schools in England. It is one of the oldest independent schools in Britain. Rugby. Winchester.

«Суффиксы английских прилагательных» - Суффиксы прилагательных. Признак книжной лексики. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных. Образование прилагательных. Признак основы. Качество. Словообразовательные суффиксы. Read out the words with this sounds. Вспомни значение аффикса.

«Kinds of sports» - Volleyball. Billiards. Riddles. Skiing. Do you know english poems. Dialogue speech. Rugby. Football. Darts. Motor racing. Basketball. Tennis. Gymnastics. Swimming. Track and field. Auding. Polo. Bowling. Football (soccer). Figure skating. The rocat is suitable for all kinds of recreational rowing. Put the letters in the right order. Practice in oral speech. Drills for skills. Table tennis, also known as ping-pong.

«My school» - Let’s discuss. Key 1 - part 2 - kids 3 - things 4 - word 5 - Earth. Check your answers. Level 2. English in Use. Can you answer some questions about your school? You should reach the top to answer the question. Школа в нашей жизни. Questionnaire. Level 4. Let’s have a rest. Учебно-методическое обеспечение. Level 1. What do the students think of school? The main question to answer. Иинтернет-сайты.

«Many, much» - water. Оценка. many. friends. much. tea. potatoes. apples. butter. bananas. bread. meat. carrots. Правила употребления much и many (много). Посчитай количество слов зелёного цвета и поставь себе оценку! Задания. honey. pens.

«Christmas in the USA» - Конкурс стихов. Merry Christmas. Рождественский чулок. Беседа в классе. Рождество. Ошибка Санта Клауса. New Year. Traditions. Письмо Санта Клауса. Mistletoe. Рождество в Америке. Проведение праздника. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Symbols of Christmas. Activities. Jingle, Bells. Чаепитие. Around the Christmas Tree. Boxing Day.

Всего в теме «Английский язык 7 класс» 14 презентаций
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