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Английский язык 6 класс
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«Russian games» - Sports and games popular in Russia. They like Football very much. In Russia football appeared at the end 19th century. Basketball appeared in the Russia in 1901. Many children are playing football. It is played ball basketball. Country of basketball is the USA. England is the home of football. Football is very popular in Russia. Basketball is popular in Russia.
«Animals in our life» - A sheep. A tiger. Wild. Interesting lesson. Domestic. A hedgehog is one of the endangered animals. Animals in our life. Our domestic animals. A statistic of endangered animals. Many animals and birds on the earth. Very important role. A crocodile. Endangered. Endangered Animals. A zebra. Английский язык. There are three kinds of animals in the world. Редкие животные. Animals that are popular among tourists at the zoo.
«Семья по-английски» - Join the parts of the words. Listen to the song and relax. All kinds of people can make up a family. Find as many words as you can in this puzzle. Who is a family. The children that lived in a shoe is a family. Give the opposites. Карта ассоциаций. What is a family. Baby and father and mother. Check your answers. One and another makes two is a family. Урок английского языка в 6 классе. Check your answers.
«British food» - Children always love these little cakes. Place a little buttercream on top of each cake. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until a light golden brown. Serve on top of the cheese. Cornish Caudle Chicken Pie. Gently fold in the remaining flour with a metal spoon. The Great British Kitchen (Recipes). Transfer equal amounts to 18 paper cases standing in 18 ungreased bun tins. Arrange on top of the onion in a single layer.
«Мультимедиа на уроках английского языка» - Навыки разговора. Английский без акцента. Queen of Britain. Map of London. Начало работы. Перечень мультимедийных дисков. Фонетическая зарядка. Установка программы. Big Ben. Достопримечательности Лондона. Публичные выступления. What is it. Углубленный курс английского языка. Профессор Хиггинс. Повышение квалификации.
«Неправильные глаголы» - Awoke. Деньги. Стол. Неправильные глаголы. Чудак. Перед тем, как открывать. Новый бутерброд. Правила образования неправильных глаголов. Топор. Я в буфете. Металлический ларец. Ананасы. Клад. Eat. Богато заживет. Dig. Сосед. Awake. Клад искал один чудак.
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